Understanding Strike Zones

To become a better fisherman, it's important to understand how fish behave and feed. Understanding what a fish's strike zone is and what affects it will help you as an angler, because you can start adjusting your baits accordingly. 

A fish's strike zone is the distance at which they are willing to move to attack a bait. There are a lot of different factors and conditions that go into deciding what size the strike zone will be. A small strike zone means that a bait has to be close to the fish for the fish to attack it.  

Here are some reasons for a fish having a small strike zone:

  • extreme temperatures (hot or cold)
  • low visibility
  • cold fronts
  • high current
  • spawning
  • heavy cover

On the flip side, a large strike zone means that a fish will move farther and more aggressively go after a bait that is farther away.

Here are some reasons for a fish having a large strike zone:

  • warm water
  • high visibility
  • more aggressive fish

Understanding strikes zones means that you can adjust your bait choice accordingly, which will result in getting more bites and more fish to the boat. 

Watch the video below for a more in depth look at strike zones. 

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